Saturday, July 10, 2010

Because It's Always Time For Discovery

Nothing satisfies quite like a Michael Jackson cover.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Division Street Revisited

My fourth night in Chicago was when I returned to Division Street. It was a loud and bright strip of clubs and bars that seemed to stretch a mile from the intersection of were it met a darkened affluent neighborhood all the way down to a very fittingly busy Walgreen's. I had met three guys on the first day, post bro types who were very nice. The four of us would soon become the 'popular' group in our building, something that would take some getting accustom to in what I thought was a college setting.

There was Jeff, still very much a bro in every way. His parents were rich, his clothes cost more than my entire wardrobe, and his jokes were awful. But as far as roommates went he was still very nice and very loyal, if perpetually sweaty. Then there was Ralph. Ralph was from New York and very much the only other alpha male I had around. He was white and yet he was the blackest guy I'd meet for at least another two months. Ralph was very aggressive, I suspect it had to do with his New York upbringing, New Yorkers all act a certain way and I suspect it stems from the same upbringing more or less. Lastly there was Arthur, the nicest and most sane after myself. He was the person I talked to most when we went out because we would both see trouble before it started and warn the other two that it was time to stop being jackasses and leave. We exercised common sense a lot while drunk, which is why I am so slow to actually get drunk today.

Our first night out we had managed to befriend a man in charge of one of these night clubs and got the okay to forgo the velvet rope process outside whenever we wanted. So after getting off of the red line and hitting the actual strip we decided to make that our last stop in an effort to show off when we passed everyone else and fist bumped the proprietor on our way in. By the time we left the Irish pub and I had done my requisite double fist of vodka at one place and bourbon neat at another we decided to head over to 'our place'. The street had reached critical mass, it reminded me of a bizarre or a block party the way the sidewalks hemorrhaged people onto the street. Police officers trying frantically to keep the weebles from wobbling into the path of a errant cab or two still determined to get through the crowd and onto Michigan Avenue.

The night prior was an unusually quiet and low key one, Jeff and I had went to the beach with Art and Ralph earlier and worked out in the building's exercise room. Needless to say we were too tired to go out like night's previous even at the urge to the contrary by the others. So we go outside to smoke and walk to the seven eleven for snacks. This is when we ran into very pretty girls smoking and sitting on the pavement. A blonde named Sienna and a messy haired brunette named Alyssa. Jeff wanted Sienna and went right to her, which was fine with me because I wanted Alyssa. Seven eleven could wait, and within five minutes they were in our living room feigning laughter at Jeff's jokes and pick up artist style build up/put downs.

Jeff had lulled the evening into a potential failure, full of awkward silences and watch glances when I noticed Alyssa's green Columbia issue water bottle. I asked her what she was drinking when she smiled this devilish smile and said.


She laughed a bit and for the first time I noticed she was well on her way to being shit faced. Then I laughed, she was quirky. Easily the only original person here, while everyone else feigned 'hipster lite' at their best. I threw out some tasteless jokes to gauge exactly where she was humor wise. The more offensive and funny I thought I got, the harder she laughed. Our senses of humor were aligned almost completely. So far she was batting at 70%, then the pale girl who seemed to be elsewhere started speaking Spanish while drunk. 100%, she was perfect. At the end of hour two Alyssa was conversing with me in broken Spanish while unhappy Sienna was left to deal with Jeff on the other couch. This wasn't going to fly with her, so she grabs Alyssa by the arm and leaves with her. No phone number exchange or anything.

While we moved into the dense street crowd I couldn't help but think about the brunette with the best sense of humor I had ever seen on a woman. I wished I could see her again when all of a sudden I hear her scream my name. I was never one who believed in coincidences but this was certainly the best example of it trying to convince me otherwise that I have ever seen. I take off back to the sidewalk, my friends close in tow. Jeff notices that Sienna is holding up a very drunk Alyssa and tries to put the moves on again. He was persistent if anything, I would give him that. Sienna looked worried and when I asked why Alyssa cut her off and offered up the explanation that an older Russian man had been chasing her and her friend from bar to bar all night. He obviously wanted Alyssa and after buying her a few drinks she got cold feet and tried to what in his mind he interpreted as 'welch' on their contractual drink agreement. It was at this time I had noticed a large guy who resembled Dane Cook standing behind them.

"He's Dane Cook!", Alyssa yelled. Her voice warbling from trying to hold back laughter. "He's a total bro!"

Dane Cook frowned. He didn't seem to like her or her jokes. I wondered why he hadn't scared the Russian off, he had one of those UFC bodies and the tight black shirt on as if to advertise he had one of those bodies. Surely he could have just gave the Soviet Statutory Rapist a ice cold stare down and that would have been enough? I suddenly got the bad feeling that we weren't home free yet. I put Alyssa who was anchored on me and Arthur fully onto the poor guy and pulled Jeff aside. I proposed we at least get the girls into that club with us and then call it a night and get a cab after waiting this shit out for a while. I know Jeff, Jeff would have said fuck that if he still weren't trying to catch the S.S. Sienna. Which sailed at the point she dragged her friend home last night. After taking my idea as his own we make our way back into the street ocean when I turn around. No Alyssa.

"Where is she?" I asked Arthur.

"She said she was going to find you." He said.

This was bad. Very bad. We were at red alert. I heard a faint 'noooo' com from the alley behind us, Ralph being the only one I trusted in a fight gave me the nod and followed me in. This alley made yet another sub alley in it that Russian had somehow shoved Alyssa in faster than any of us could notice. He had her pinned up against a brick wall next to a dumpster.

"Let her go!" I yelled. I felt kind of cliched saying this, but that would have to wait until later.

"Bad move." Ralph added.

The Russian turned around. He seemed much older than I thought he would be. He appeared to be balding, and sported a leather jacket. He was rail thin and sullen in the face. If he really were Russian, I'd bet money that he'd spent a lot of time in a gulag at some point. Luckily he was short so what was about to happen didn't bother the two of us.

"Get the fuck out of here." He murmured in that thick accent of his.

At this point he produced a switch blade. Switch blades I am accustomed to, having used knives myself I can handle a knife. He came at us when we didn't move. Ralph moved to one arm, I moved to the other. We slammed the Russian up against the dumpster hard. Before he could get off I took a shot at him. I wouldn't feel how hurt my knuckles were until the morning. Right now the alcohol and adrenaline had rendered that shot to his gut a non-issue. Then Ralph took over and cracked him in the face as I got Alyssa out of that alley.

"Where's Dane Cook, and Sienna?" She asked. Her voice hushed for some reason.

"Inside." I said as steered her into the club.

"I don't like your friend Jeff. He's a douche. A douche-bro." She said before laughing at her own joke. Just like that, her ordeal was a bad memory best to be forgotten. She felt better so now I felt better.

Ralph came in right on our heels. I asked where the Russian was and he informed me that super short Stalin had dropped his knife and ran after we did, only he took the opposite direction. I was surprised to see how the bodyguard remembered us from last night and immediately opened the door for us. I was even more surprised that we were directed to the VIP area. Roped off and seated on couches waving at us were the others. Dane Cook was up there too. He could have at least helped, the dick. I sat down on an empty couch and craved a cigarette and another drink.

"Want some?" Alyssa asked me.

I looked over and she was sitting next to me. Her green water bottle from last night thrust in my lap. I looked at that large purse of her's and wondered just how much stuff she could hide in there. That bottle smelled incendiary. I asked what she had in it this time. She shrugged as Sienna shook her and continued to asked her what happened and how she was.

"Things. Good things." She said. She always had a smirk on her face or a laugh following something she said. It was infectious.

"Fuck it, why not?" I said as I took it and drank.

It was vodka, and gin, and lemonade. My lips pursed. It was the only good tasting thing that could also clean our tub if necessary.

"Told you." She said. She lolled on the couch for a bit. Then laid on me.

It was late August why was she wearing a leather jacket I wondered.

I asked her and she mumbled something about liking Ernest Hemingway. I wouldn't understand why until much later.

Everyone had decided to leave at this point, they figured they had waited out the Eastern European and it was safe to go back into the street. I grabbed Alyssa's hand and walked her out to the sidewalk.

"Don't go." She said faintly.

"I'll be right back we're going to go hail a cab. Will you wait here for me?" I asked.

"Hurry back." She sort of whined.

Sienna, held firm to her at the no parking sign we left them at on the sidewalk. Dane Cook standing behind. I thought about telling the douche that there was no more room when it came time for him to finally load in and laughed. The remaining four of us hailed a cab rather quickly and explained we needed to get back to Van Buren ASAP. I waited with the cab driver making small talk while Jeff and Ralph walked the two feet back to the street where we left the girls and Dane Cook.

"Uh, you left them by the sign right?" Jeff asked walking over to me.

"Of course we did! What do you mean where'd I leave them?" I asked following him back to the sign.

Sure as shit they were gone. I wondered how tow women and a large cage fighter looking son of a bitch could slink off so quietly. We held that cab for three minutes while I looked. Nothing. Finally at my friends urging I got in and we came back to our building. It would be another two months before I found out from Alyssa that Dane Cook moved the ladies down the street and got a cab at the same time. He took them to his loft where he and Alyssa had attempted drunken sex before going to sleep. Guess the guy really wasn't into Sienna after all. The next morning I made an omelet, went jogging and somewhere on between admonished myself again for not getting Alyssa's phone number or even her apartment number. Then I laughed as the thought crossed my mind to fill my green Columbia water bottle with gin and leave it out on the sidewalk and wait to see if she'd take the bait.

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Note of No Consequence

In an effort to get into a more frequent posting habit I have decided to spend July transcribing some of my adventures at Columbia thus far down for posterity's sake. I also feel that if I don't commit at least some of them in writing somewhere I will positively explode since 2008 was the most vivid time in my life to date. I probably won't post every story I have (and there are many), the names therein will be changed, and they won't be in chronological order but it should still be fun to play the orator and get feedback for it. So join me this July won't you, it'll be a blast!

Because It's Always Time For Ariel Pink

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Because It's Always Time For Kenny Loggins

I don't think there was a greater musical period than the 1980s. To illustrate this I submitto you Kenny Loggins's second entry on 1985's Footloose soundtrack or as I like to call it: The Kevin Bacon one, not the Patrick Swayze one. But while the song is great I would like to call your attention to what the fuck is happening in the music video. I mean where is Kenny Loggins supposed to be? This is like what a Milwaukee mom pictures when you say 'Harlem'. Was it necessary to automatically go straight to 'quasi post-apocalyptic non threatening hellscape'? How did they accomplish making this set both not the least bit intimidating and give it the air of 'something fucked up has happened here and you are about to witness it again'?

Also what is with the girl? It's obvious she loves Kenny Loggins I mean who wouldn't love that rocking manicured beard? You can clearly see she's ran away from her parents to be with him. Or so I thought unitl I remember the begining where Kenny is looking for her. So why is he looking for her, is she kidnapped at some point by those broadway backups in leather? Why is she running away with him and ditching her parents, are they worse than living with the guy who wrote 'Highway to the Danger Zone'? Because I seriously doubt that.

Speaking of the leather crew I know no one, and I never will who is willing to stab you in the chest 27 times and defecate on you to leave a message that also had the time to put into eiht years of jazz tap and fosse. They and the fact that the police are deciding that 12 gauge shotguns are an appropriate response to a 'Kenny Loggins Clusterfuck in Progress' are the reasone I am fond of the videos just as much as the songs from the era of my childhood (also known as the era without irony).

My Spirit Guide is a Dick

I met my spirit guide the other night. After much deliberation I decided to go ask it what the fuck is up with me and my shit (semicolon, and what should I do about it)? Very much like someone's masturbation ritual I tend to prepare for meditation by pulling out all the stops. I light incense just like that yoga douche you see trying to pick up limber girls in the new age section of Border's. Smells help. Then I cut off the lights because my mile-a-minute brain can not focus for very long if it has even the minutest secondary object to focus on, in this case it would be the color-shards that light takes on as it tries to project onto your eyelids. Next I lay down, I don't really have an explanation for that one so eat it and beat right there. Sometimes I'll listen to those prerecorded meditation podcasts that tell you what to do, but I regard those the same way I do those color by number books: you can get so make so much more, than a measly old #3 & # 12 chicken if you let your mind loose. You'll also be much more gratified with what you make my your lonesome anyway.

So it's Wednesday night. I got a bitchin' cross breeze going, I got silence and the smell of lavender heavy the air. It's so heavy it has become tangible by this point, full on gray tendrils wafting everywhere. Nephelococcygia on a small scale. I also am laying down. In other words: Time's up; let's do this. Fast forward thirty seconds and I am in this densely over grown forest. It isn't threatening in any way. Just...ancient. So much growth had occurred here that the dirt road I was on was dark and very few sunbeams were able to break through. Oh but when they did, they were warm and golden, like the cunt of Helios if Helios were a girl.

Now I'm walking. To where I have no idea, it's just instinctual at this point. I hear water movement so I step lively past all this viridian and I come right up onto this large river which runs into the largest lake I have ever seen off to the left. It's full on cerulean, I'm talking the bluest you'll ever see. Of in the distance I hear the sound of laughing. It's light and jaunty, it makes me feel as good as the water I scoop out of the lake and drink. Cold. Sweet tits, nothing worse than a warm lake.

I keep moving up the dirt road. Why is there a dirt road in an old seemingly never populated forest anyway? Whatever keep going forward. Then I notice it, this old time wicker garden arch where the path forks off o the right. It's white and got ivy growing all on it. Inside I can see a a mossy clearing, which is enclosed by more trees. It's separated from everything else like one of the party rooms at Discovery Zone or Chuck-e-Cheese. This particular "forest room" isn't overcast, sunlight is just spilling directly into it. Once inside I climbed one of the barrier trees and pop a squat on a branch high up. I notice the most brilliant purple mountains way off in the distance since I am now higher than the rest of the forest.

This is when shit gets real. Suddenly this blinding glint of light winks into my field of vision on one of the snow capped mountains. Then it starts floating closer to me. It get closer and closer, bigger and bigger. It doesn't make a sound, yet. Suddenly it's behind me so I climb down the tree as fast as I can and back into my clearing. These white moths are everywhere now, and fluffy white pollen balls. Sunlight still going strong. Then the light descends into the middle of this clearing in front of me. It's buzzing now, deafening. A boulder rises out of the green ground and meets the white light. Which has morphed into a crystalline plant bud. The it sounds as if the Earth itself is cracking open as the bud opens and out comes my spirit guide.

Now you see the woman in the picture up there? That is the form my spirit guide chose. I don't know why, I have not seen this person face to face in quite literally years. To be honest it bugged me a little, because as rad as this girl is I was expecting a badass giant hawk or a cobra made entirely out of fire. Not this girl in a white summer dress. Spirit Guide steps out of the light bud and sits on the rock. It seems nonplussed about being here, almost as if I have bothered it. It had the body language of someone you would be paying to sit somewhere and keep you entertained. Like a birthday clown dealing with a child requesting balloon animals after the flask of potato mash whiskey came out and the heat stroke began to take hold.

Typically in these scenarios I have read that you should inquire as to what your spirit guide's name is. Upon doing this it laughed at me. Not the pleasant light and gay laughter I overhead earlier. No this was deep and dismissive. Wait, what? This shouldn't be happening. I asked it if it knew who I was. It had a deep baritone voice, in fact it sounded exactly like Dennis Haysbert from 24 and The Unit (You may also have seen him in the Allstate commercials). It inferred that it did but that it didn't give two shits or a sandwich that I actually was there. I told it that I was coming to see it and that maybe it should be nicer. It's eyes widened, and it laughed that amused laugh again. Shaking the white plant dandruff from it's shaggy black hair.

"I'm not a genie you know. You can't just stop on by with your three questions then be on your way. I'm doing important things in places that would make you pee yourself in abject wonder." He said.

"Look. Jerk. I just want to know what I should be doing with my life! You'd could at least give me some cryptic hints or some shit!" I shouted back. I had no idea why I was shouting. Why was I shouting?

It started mumbling the way you would when you pretended to be going into a tunnel to ditch an unwanted phone call. It's never really made eye contact with me until now, cutting it's big blue eyes at me. Lips curling into a smirk.

"That helpful enough?" It asked impatiently.

I was ready to fight this...whatever it was now. Why was he such a douche? Just because you come from space and take the form of a lady doesn't mean I won't take a slug at you in the spirit world.

"I'm not about to be gang-raped by a gang of one! I parted the Red Sea to get to you, now don't piss on the sand. So tell me something and make it something good." There I was shouting again.

It seemed to like my loss of composure because it's pale skin grew flushed. And those eyes, always elsewhere and half open widened and locked back onto mine. Up until this point it had been languidly sitting on that large rock, resting it's weight and keeping aloft on that one arm. But now it stood up, walked to me, got inches away from me and whistled. Did it just sniff me? It appeared to size me up, for what I was hoping I wouldn't find out.

"Test over. You passed." It said. The over you attitude it previously had was gone.

"I-huh?" I couldn't reply. I was dumbfounded. Test? What was it, and why didn't it tell me there would be one?

"Yeah, test. Most of you are weak willed and can't handle harsh truths. I have devised this as a way to weed out the yoga group who only want me to circle jerk them celestially to feel good about themselves."

Quite dumbfounded I suddenly felt the need to look elsewhere myself.

"So what now?" I asked him becoming fixated on that rock It was previously seated on.

It leaned back as far as It could go on It's heels.

"Come find me in a week." It said.

It rushed at me heel-toe, arms outstretched and pushing me backwards. I feel for all of a second before I snapped my eyes back open and sat up. Yeah, that happened. Writing this now it seems to make sense, cruel to be kind and the like, but I still found out something. I found out that I am way too old to be dealing with tests and mind games, spirit guide dick or otherwise. It'd better not pull this shit again next Wednesday or I swear to God...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blog: 2010 (A.K.A: My third attempt at keeping this bastard going.)

I never keep this thing going for very long. I lose interest in some kind of mock ADD and go do other more productive things. That's me I'm a do-er. Today for instance I've got a pressing social engagement otherwise know as a BBQ to attend. Forecast calls for my friend Chris to sing Black Flag's 'TV Party' as far from key as he can, and possibly some revolver brandishing while shitfaced. Thanks for coming back spring, the cold was being a downright cock.